Itxasalde Jiu Jitsu

ItxasaldeBjj is a new Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym located in Bermeo, Basque Country. Brazilan Jiu Jitsu or BJJ is a martial art that focuses on grappling and submissons.

 It can be usful for self defence and is reguraly trained by those who particpate in MMA, BJJ is a sport in its self that is seeing rapid growth globally. 
At Ixasalde we are most passionate about the sport of BJJ and we would like to offer a clean, inclusive and safe to everyone environment where everyone can train, learn and enjoy jiujitsu in the safest way possible.
At Ixasalde we are most passionate about the sport of BJJ and we would like to offer a inclusive and friendly environment where everyone can train, learn and enjoy jiujitsu.

Eneko Aburruza

Eneko is our head coach, he has been training BJJ for 10 years and currently hold a brown belt in, the discipline.

His highest achiments include; european purlpe belt master 1 gold (2022)Rome,  master worlds purlpe belt silver master 1 (2022) las vegas  2023 an IBJJF europako zilarrezko 
domina eskuratueban garriko marroian (Paris) eta Borrokako federazioko grappling en espainiako txapelketan urrea eskuratu eban (Onda).
Bai Enrikek eta baita Fionak be sarri konpetiten dabe. Enrike bera, 2023 ko europako txapelduna da bere kategorian
We are proudly associated with an independent gym in the north west of London called StudioNW2, run by Eneko’s head coach Enrique villaseñor and coach 
Fiona Lee. They both are very well accomplished in the competition scene. Enrique is the current european champion in his category and has previously been a
silver medalist at the masters worlds stage, y habiendo llegado a finales de mundiales en el pasado.


Bermeo (Bizkaia)
+34 688 868 223

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